
Carlton-in-Lindrick is a village near Worksop in North Nottinghamshire. The population of Carlton-in-Lindrick in 2001 was 5,818

There are a number of businesses in and around Carlton in Lindrick

Carlton in Lindrick Hairdressers

There is a hair salon in Carlton in Lindrick called Headway and is located on High Road, between Ramsden School and Carlton-in-Lindrick Post Office, on the opposite side of the road.

Carlton in Lindrick Construction

There are a number of construction companies that operate in and around Carlton in Lindrick. Construction companies carry out all aspects of construction work in the area.

Carlton in Lindrick Electrical Companies

Carlton in Lindrick is home to a number of electrical companies, which carry out electrical work on domestic and commercial properties in the area.

Carlton in Lindrick Plumbing & Heating

Carlton in Lindrick is well serviced by a number of plumbing and heating installation and maintenance companies which operate in and around the area.

Carlton in Lindrick Schools

There are two schools in Carlton in Lindrick, Ramsden Primary School and Kingston Park Academy. Ramsden is located on High Road and Kingston is located on Long Lane.

Carlton in Lindrick Church

St John the Evangelist's Church is located on Church Lane in Carlton in Lindrick it is more than 1000 years old.